Sunday, July 21, 2013

Nanga Parbat attack; effort to end tourism from Pakistan: Report

ISLAMABAD : The investigation report complied by the Government of Gilgit-Balitistan (GB) claimed that terrorists’ attack on tourists in Nanga Parbat is actually the effort to abolish tourism from Pakistan.
As per documents received to ONLINE, GB government said that the reason behind the attack was to divert the foreign tourists toward neighboring countries India, Nepal and China instead of Pakistan.
According to investigations of GB government, after 9/11 incident very less number of foreign tourists were coming to Pakistan while after the incident of Nanga Parbat these tourists have turned their ways toward neighboring

Investigation report said that wild life department of GB was earning Rs 209 million per year from foreigners in regard of hunting only. After the incident tourism especially the national route and Central Asia has been severely affected.

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