Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pakistani jets kill 7 in Khyber Agency, US drone kills 3 in NWA

KHYBER AGENCY: Pakistani jet fighters blitzed militant hideouts in the, Khyber and Kurram Agencies killing seven militants while US drone killed two suspected militants in North Wazirsitan on the same day, officials said on Sunday.
Security officials said, Pakistan Air Force jet fighters pounded terrorists hideouts at mountainous area of Akka Khel area of Tirah Valley in lawless Khyber Agency.
The official added that after the jet fighters started shelling Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) hideouts in the area, which killed five militants and injured several others.
“Six of the TTP hideouts were also destroyed by the gunships,” the official stated.

Two more terrorists killed in air raid in neighbouring Kurram Agency, north west tribal area of Pakistan.
A strategically important area, Tirah Valley borders Afghanistan and also connects to Bara, which then leads to Peshawar.
The valley has been under the influence of various militant factions, including LI, TTP, and Ansarul Islam, whose members constantly target each other over territorial disputes and sectarian differences.
Hours before, in North Waziristan Agency‚ at least 3 suspected militants have been killed in a US drone attack in Mir Ali area.
The drone fired two missiles, official media of Pakistan reported. News Agencies

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