Wednesday, July 3, 2013

US drone strike kills 18 in Miranshah

MIRANSHAH : A US drone strike early Wednesday killed at least 18 people in the northwestern tribal area of Pakistan, Dunya News reported.
Four unmanned aircrafts fired as many missiles on a compound in the main market area of Miranshah, the main town of North Waziristan.
It was the second US drone attack inside Pakistan since Nawaz Sharif was sworn in as prime minister in June, calling for an end to such strikes and complaining that they violated the country s sovereignty.
The previous attack, in which seven people were killed, came on June 7 just two days after Sharif, of the

centre-right Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) party, was sworn in.
Drones were seen flying over Miranshah s main bazar for hours before launching a strike at the militants  compound in the early hours of Wednesday.
"Four drone aircrafts were flying over the area at the time of the attack, while two of them fired four missiles on a compound," a local security official told AFP.
Another official in Peshawar confirmed the attack.

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