Monday, July 15, 2013

'60,000 Africans have slipped into Israel via Egypt'

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel has launched a forced repatriation of Eritrean migrants that amounts to a grave violation of their human rights because of the risk of persecution in their reclusive homeland, an advocacy group said on Monday.
Israeli authorities have been trying to curb an influx of Africans that has ignited resentment in the poorer neighbourhoods in which they dwell and compounded the fears of many Israelis about eventually being outnumbered in the Jewish state. But humanitarian groups say that forcibly returning African migrants home often exposes them to rights abuses including torture.
Some 60,000 Africans, including 35,000 Eritreans, have walked over a long porous desert border with

Egypt into Israel since 2006, Israeli government figures show, and many live in gritty districts of Tel Aviv.
Israel regards most as illegal job-seekers but rights agencies say many should be considered for political asylum because of poor human rights records of their home governments.
Hotline for Migrant Workers (HMW), an Israeli human rights group, said an initial group of 14 Eritrean men were flown to Asmara, the Eritrean capital, on Sunday, after receiving $1,500 each from Israeli authorities.
They were driven to the airport from one of two desert detention centres that Israel has expanded. A law passed a year ago, and now being contested in its high court, allows the country to jail migrants it says arrived illegally.
A spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry declined to comment on the HMW report, other than to say that some "people are returning home". She did not give their nationalities. The men who left on Sunday were the first sent back to Eritrea, which was accused last year by the U.N. human rights chief of practicing torture and summary executions.
Israel had said in the past that it was seeking third-country destinations for Eritreans.
Sigal Rozen, public policy coordinator for HMW, a group that objects to most deportations of migrants, told Reuters the latest repatriations were "a grave human rights violation".
Rozen said those repatriated had signed consent forms but she argued their agreement could not be seen as voluntary because Israeli authorities made clear the only way they would be freed from detention was by returning home. She said at least one of the Eritreans had said he was a military deserter, and could face punishment at home.

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