Monday, July 15, 2013

Nandipur saga is another incident where previous govt fleecing nation, says Mazari

ISLAMABAD (News Agencies): PTI Central Information Secretary, Dr Shireen Mazari on Monday stated that the PM’s directive for a probe into the Rs 15 billion Nandipur power project scam reaffirmed the suspicions that vested interests in this government, like in its predecessors, were bent on undermining cost effective power projects and determined to make a quick buck at the expense of the nation.
In a statement, she commended the ex MD of Pepco for highlighting the attempt at fraud by writing to the CJ as well as appreciating the role of the media in exposing the same. She expressed a belief that had these  two factors not come into play, those

seeking to rob the nation would have got their way.
Dr Mazari said Pepco and the Ministry of Water and Power had sought to rob the public by coming up with the new PC 1 for Nandipur showing a totally unjustified raise in the cost of this vital but delayed project.
At a time when load  shedding was reaching unbearable levels, the  mafias that exist to loot and plunder this country got active again, eying the Nandipur project. Already thanks to the loot mafia including the private sector IPP sponsors, any efficient and low cost project – because no commissions were involved – is obstructed. The revised PC-1 was a scam prepared by  pepco/Ministry of Water and Power to cheat the public exchequer of millions with the benefits accruing to a “select private sector company”. The sad part, Dr Mazari stated, is that all the equipment, machinery etc is paid for and is either at the site already or at port. Even with some increase in costs because of the delay, the maximum addition according to Mr Baseer the ex MD Pepco in his letter to the CJ, which contains cost details, could not be the figure shown in the revised PC-1.
Dr Mazari stated that the Nandipur saga is just one more incident where vested interests in the previous government and in this government are trying to fleece the nation and also destroy state institutions so that privatization and unbridled profiteering can take place. It seems this government was looking to privatise Nandipur just as it seems to be moving towards a clandestine blueprint for the privatization of PIA by appointing interested parties on the Board as well as aviation adviser.

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