Friday, July 19, 2013

Bid to smuggle 3kg heroin foiled at Lahore airport

LAHORE,  The smuggling bid of heroin to Qatar was foiled at Lahore airport on Friday.
According to details, a passenger named Masood was searched by the Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) at Allama Iqbal International Airport and heroin was recovered in his shoes.
While searching the luggage, ANF officials seized other shoes filled with the heroin.
During initial investigation, the suspect revealed that Civil Aviation’s General Service Attendant Nasir was also assisting him in the smuggling attempt.
ANF handed both suspects to custom officials for

further interrogation.
Speaker NA seeks record of fake degree holders’ officers of NA Secretariat
ISLAMABAD, (Online): Speaker National Assembly (NA) Ayaz Sadiq has sought for the record of Degrees sent to Higher Education Commission (HEC) in respect of NA secretariat officers for verification.
Sources said that speaker has sought the record and copies of the letters from concern departments to identify the officers having fake degrees in NA secretariat.
This step has been taken after it came in notice that many of officers have not sent their degrees to HEC for verification. Other than that officers on deputation in Na secretariat have sent their degrees directly to concerned educational institutes instead of sending to HEC.
Sources said that speaker NA has doubt that many officers having fake degrees still exist in NA secretariat

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